Harmony House
of Western Massachusetts
Providing a loving home for individuals with terminal illness
Indigent and isolated members of the community receive first priority. Those who are suffering, in need of loving and compassionate care at the end of their lives, often discover that there is no place to go. Harmony House responds to this need by providing 24 hour quality care.
Harmony House residents are served regardless of race, gender, illness, faith, financial status or other characteristics or circumstances.
The residents are in the last days or weeks of their lives. Harmony House provides individual rooms, meals, and personal care. We are not a licensed medical facility, nursing home or hospice program. Residents must be enrolled in a Hospice program before being admitted to Harmony House.
To be considered eligible for Harmony House, a person must be an adult with a terminal illness, with a life expectancy of 3 months or less. The resident must not require skilled nursing procedures or services, must be under the care of a hospice agency, and must have a DNR (do not resuscitate) order in place.
Harmony House’s operations are supported solely by the generosity of donors. Therefore, Harmony House always accepts donations to help
off-set the cost of care, if the resident or family is able to provide a donation. No resident will ever be turned away because of financial status.
The resident’s Hospice program, not Harmony House, provides the medical care and other hospice services. Medicare or Medicaid may
pay the Hospice provider for services, but Harmony House does not receive reimbursement.
Stay with us
Do you know a hospice patient who would be a candidate for our home? Considering staying at the Harmony House when we open? Please complete the below resident referral form.
66 View Street
Chicopee, MA
Phone 413-315-9784
Fax 413-315-9781